Tuesday, November 16, 2010

One Thousand Gifts Week One

  1. my wonderful family
  2. the progress of my short story
  3. my two dogs
  4. a good school day
  5. mechanical pencils
  6. me finishing my short story
  7. a wonderful mom and dad
  8. an easy day of school
  9. my two weird dogs
  10. the weekend
  11. a free day
  12. my art skills
  13. my friends
  14. my family
  15. my pets

holy experience


amy in peru said...

hey zane. I just wanted to actually say hello... I'm setting up a blog for my boys (11 & 12) tonight. I'll show them yours in the morning. I thought maybe it'd be fun to read each other. you'll have to see...


amy in peru
mom to tuttlekids.com/blog

Renee said...

I love it! I have been "thinking about" doing this with my kids... thanks for giving me a bit of incentive!

I Live in an Antbed said...

Awww! How precious! My "four-still-being-homeschooled" are doing the same thing. It is so wonderful.

Dawn said...

I had my boys start a Thankfulness Journal today too!! My 8yo listed 11 things and my 10yo listed 2 and drew a picture. I switched from using my iTouch for my list, to a composition notebook like my sons so that we can all have them going at the same time. I LOVE THIS.

~michelle pendergrass said...

I hope everyone will post their kids' gratitude list! I love reading them!!

Dawn--so excited that you switched to a notebook! I love my electronics but nothing beats paper to pen!